Greenfire Game Lodge
Balule Private Game Reserve, South Africa

Located in Balule Nature Reserve in the Greater Kruger, Greenfire Game Lodge is just the place for an affordable South African safari holiday.

Why We Love it and You Will Too

  • At Greenfire Game Lodge, the views alone make it worth the stay. Its position over the Mohlabetsi riverbed makes it just the place to spot elephant, buffalo, warthog and a variety of antelope species.  
  • The rangers at this lodge are true professionals and will go out of their way to make sure you see most, if not all of the Big 5 during your stay (if that’s what you’re really after).
  • Greenfire Game Lodge is fairly isolated within the privately-owned Balule Reserve which means you’ll not have to deal with overcrowding at animal sightings during your guided drives.
  • The atmosphere also deserves a mention. It’s incredibly easy-going and peaceful, which is in due part to the staff who are always friendly and accommodating.
  • Instead of heavy canvas, the rooms are crafted from glass, stone and modern steel framings which allows plenty of light in and emphasises a lighter, more natural feel.

Your Greenfire Game Lodge Experience

To get your bearings, Greenfire Game Lodge is located within the 50 000 hectare Balule Nature Reserve which lies adjacent to the greater Kruger National Park area. It’s smaller lodge than most, and therefore more intimate, nestled in a totally natural setting along the seasonal Mohlabetsi River - a huge draw for the local animals, and a bonus for you when it comes to game viewing.

Walk out along one of the decks or take a dip in the pool, and it won’t be long before you spot a few elephants of all sizes and elegant-looking kudus moving slowly through the surrounding bush.  

The setting is hard to top, but its the staff that really make this lodge exceptional. They are friendly and accommodating but without being too attentive which can sometimes be a bit disruptive when you’re trying to spend some time to yourself. During meal times and game drives at Greenfire Game lodge, it’s fair to say that no effort is spared and the service is always on point.  

Besides the Big 5, you’ll come across an abundant collection of birds and smaller mammals as the qualified rangers guide you through the reserve, explaining the intricacies of the bush in detail. They’ll also take the time to visit you during dinner at the boma to make sure you are comfortable, and perhaps even stay a while to share a story or two by the fire. 

Booking Greenfire Game Lodge

Balule Private Game Reserve | South African Safari
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